About Us

Welcome to Vapefire.uk, your one-stop-Wholesale shop for all ! We are a UK-based company dedicated to providing our customers with the best quality products at competitive prices.At Vapefire.uk, we understand the importance of finding the perfect vaping experience.Our team of experts has carefully selected a range of high-quality e-cigarettes, e-liquids, and vaping accessories to suit every preference and budget.At Vapefire.uk, we believe that everyone should have access to high-quality products.That's why we offer competitive prices and regular promotions to ensure that our customers can enjoy the vaping experience they deserve.

Lisa Green - CMO
— Founder & CEO.

Our Story

At Vapefire.uk, we are more than just a retailer of vaping products – we are a team of passionate vapers with a mission to help others make the switch to vaping and enjoy the numerous benefits that come with it.

Our story began when our founder, a former smoker, discovered the life-changing benefits of vaping. Having struggled with smoking for years, he was amazed by how quickly he was able to quit and how much better he felt after switching to vaping. He was so inspired by his own experience that he decided to create Vapefire.uk to help others make the same transition.

Our Success









What Our Customers Have to Say

If you're looking for a one-stop-shop for all your vaping needs,Vapefire.uk is definitely worth checking out.
Kelvin Black
From Blackbun
Very fast and reliable shipping, orders arriving within 2 days. The website is easy to navigate, with clear product descriptions and images, and the checkout process is straightforward and secure.
Zasha Swan
From Wales
Knowledgeable and friendly staff who are always on hand to offer advice and guidance. They also praise the competitive prices and regular promotions that make vaping accessible to everyone.
Frank Jones
From Manchester
Trustworthy retailer of vaping products, with a strong commitment to customer service and satisfaction.
Jack Brownn
From London